Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Three Weeks In: Lessons Learned


I can't believe I've only been here for three weeks!  It definitely feels like way longer (in a good way!).

So over the last three weeks, I've learned some very valuable Spanish lessons:

1. Spaniards to not believe in heat
        Electricity is really expensive here, so they try to use as little of it as possible.  I don't mind keeping the lights off during the day or unplugging my laptop when I am not using it, but not turning the heat on is VERY rough.  I did not bring enough sweatshirts with me to deal with the climate inside our apartment!  Instead of using central heat, my host mom has a table in the living room covered by several thick tablecloths/blankets.  Under the table is a space heater!  The exciting invention, called a "mesa camilla," keeps you very warm when in the living room, so we spend a lot of time watching TV with Ana.

2. Game shows are all the rage
        My host mom LOVES watching game shows.  They are on every night before the news, and we often watch them while sitting under the mesa camilla.  Our favorites are "Ya caigo!" and "Atrapa un millon."  Both are pretty standard trivia shows where the contestants win money by answering questions.  My host mom LOVES these shows and she always knows the answers!  Dana (my roommate) and I are learning a lot of new words and facts from our evening routine of game show watching.

3. Sundays are for NOT doing anything
        Everything shuts down here on Sundays.  Dana and I went to the mall one Sunday and the only things open were a few cafes and the movie theater.  It was almost surreal to walk through an entire mall almost completely closed!  Sunday is also the only day where it's acceptable to lie around all day in your pajamas, which I have most definitely been taking advantage of here!

4. "Thank you" is never used lightly
         Ana told Dana and me a few days into our journey here that Americans say thank you way too often.  Apparently here in Spain, you do not say thank you every time someone hands you a paper or gives you a piece of fruit.  I never realized how often I say thank you until I started trying NOT to say it!

5. Everything is air-dried
          Most people do not have dryers in their houses, so clothing, linens, and all other laundry is hung to dry out on the balcony (everyone has balconies here).  I am no stranger to air-drying some of my laundry, but here's something I learned--when my jeans do not go through a dryer, they are way looser.  It is sort of annoying, but at least it makes me feel skinnier!

So now, if you ever come to Spain (perhaps to visit me!), you'll be prepared with some Spanish tips! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great tips. I know that I will be better prepared as a result of your sharing. Keep it up, give me more tips so that I can be even better prepared.
